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Spinal decompression therapy is a modern, non-surgical traction procedure that effectively treats low back, neck, and radiating leg and arm pain. This type of traction is very successful in relieving pain associated with spinal disc herniation, degenerative spinal discs, spinal stenosis and facet joint syndromes.​Spinal decompression therapy decompresses spinal discs and facet joints by utilizing traction, distraction, and body positioning and creates a negative pressure inside the disc itself, helping to draw the bulging material to retract back into its normal position over time.​Research to develop this procedure was conducted by prominent physicians, engineers and technicians at major teaching hospitals. Our Triton Decompression Traction System is FDA approved and has been clinically proven to provide pain relief and decrease symptoms associated with herniated and/or bulging discs.
Studies have shown that the spinal disc injury is responsible for a significant number of lumbar/leg pain and neck/arm pain syndromes. Excessive compression forces from daily activities increases internal spinal disc pressure which can lead to spinal disc protrusion, herniation, and bulging of disc material.Using the Triton DTS in conjunction with other rehabilitation treatments provided in our clinic can effectively relieve the pain and disability resulting from disc injury and degeneration. The treatment aids in the healing of damaged discs and reverses damaging changes in nerves. The Triton DTS treats the functional and mechanical aspects of spinal disc pain through non-surgical traction (decompression) of spinal discs. Call today for your free consultation with Dr. Elder and your trial of DTS Spinal Disc Decompression today and experience the relief that thousands of other patients have enjoyed!
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